Welcome to our family history which is dedicated to the many descendants and collateral families of the 1630 immigrants Robert Day and Editha Stebbins. Emphasis is on the DAY and collateral families of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Pennsylvania. You will be able to view stories, photographs and documents regarding our family which will hopefully bring the past alive for you.
Genealogy is always a work in progress and a life long project. As of March 2019 I have over 700,000 names and 250,000 marriages.

To search the genealogy database, enter a name below. (Tip: If you are researching a female, enter her maiden name.)
Information pertaining to our living family is always private and password protected.
[Surnames] [Advanced Search]
[GenDex Network] [FamilyTreeSeeker.com]

[View all photos]

If you have any questions, comments or suggested revisions, please feel free to contact me.
Here's how you can help. If we have a family connection, I would welcome the opportunity to add your family to my ancestry database and document them with birth, marriage and death records along with their photographs or any other type of data that will help us fill in the gaps and break through brick walls. I look forward to hearing from you.

Click on the "Most Wanted" link to see what currently has me stumped in my research. Perhaps you can help me with a "Brick Wall" ancestor or help identify a mystry photo.
[Most Wanted]

For your reference, I have listed a few of my favorite genealogy websites which I have found useful in my research.